Ammonium nitrate upward arrow in the string

San Corporation

After the Spring Festival, urea, nitric acid, aniline, nitrobenzene, nitro benzene chloride, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite products price comparisons of rose

After the Spring Festival, urea, nitric acid, aniline, nitrobenzene, nitro benzene chloride, sodium nitrate, sodium nitrite products price comparisons of rose. By late March, many of the above products have risen to. In the ammonium nitrate product had been halt the troops and wait quietly, but in silence stock market energy, waiting for its glorious moment of transmigration.

In the crowded landscape early 'in the first quarter of this year the chemical market' spring, the ammonium nitrate product does not like nitric acid, urea and other products, in advance of the traditional off-season prices? There are three reasons: one is during the NPC and CPPCC 'downstream' explosive industry according to the Convention to the output limit production, ensure public security and production safety; two is from 2 to March in most parts of the country the weather is wet, rainy, affected the progress of the project construction blasting industry, use of explosives for civil explosive of low, enterprise production plan and schedule constitute a certain impact, so that the demand can not be formed three ammonium nitrate; ammonium nitrate is different from the general chemical products, be characterized as' dangerous explosives' banned as agricultural fertilizer sales, as industrial products are strictly controlled by national public safety and security department, production, transportation and sales of complicated procedures the threshold is very high. Industry monopoly, competition is weak. In addition, the enterprise market exchange between ammonium nitrate is relatively less, lack of organization and standardize enterprise never materialised, common market behavior.

Until late March, 'with the NPC and CPPCC' ends and the weather cleared, 4 national trillion yuan for infrastructure funds gradually segmentation in place, explosives and explosive production increased, ammonium nitrate market prices of energy savings and expansion in quietly. According to several experts interview prediction: despite relatively quiet, but at the end of 3, 4 month after urea ammonium nitrate and nitric acid market performance, and force a single chemical market presence and eye. Judge according to the experts mainly from the following aspects:

The strong support of the downstream industry, high profits. In the global economy generally depression today, almost does not have much impact and explosive industry. Due to strong demand, the industry has been a characteristic of Gao Yingli stability. Especially in the country in 2005, 2006, 2008 three times increase down the State guided prices, as the main products of the enterprise, the explosive tube and the rope the profitability of products also hit a record high in recent years. The second half of last year, almost all of the chemical products prices from the highs, but the explosive product prices had not fallen. As the flammable and explosive risk products, the production, sales, purchase, transportation, storage, blasting are subject to strict government supervision. The prices of products by COSTIND civil explosive Bureau unified regulations, every enterprise can rise 10% or downward float of 5% according to the sales of the local. In 2008 the mainstream ex-factory price of ammonium nitrate was from 2007 to 1600 yuan (ton price, the same below) rose to 3500 yuan, civilian blasting equipment factory guidance price floating range expanded into 15%, industrial explosive products price of domestic industrial explosive enterprise therefore generally increase 500 yuan, detonator products generally increase 500 yuan / million hair. Since the four quarter of 2008, up to six months time, ammonium nitrate price has gradually dropped to 1750 ~ 1700 yuan, but the product prices are high intact, huge profits, maintaining a low cost, high sales in the first half of.

Second, the off-season retention inventory has gradually digest. According to estimates: ammonium nitrate social inventory during the Spring Festival and the "NPC and CPPCC 'because of explosive industry production, production of digestive need a month's time. Until late March, these social inventory has basically been digested almost.

Thirdly, the spring of this year yield reduction. Since 2 ~ March urea, compound fertilizer, nitrate and other products prices higher, urea, nitric acid industry profits are higher than those of ammonium nitrate, ammonium nitrate enterprises enthusiasm for production decline, many an enterprise to adjust product structure, synthetic ammonia Resource Enterprises Limited was incorporated into high-profit urea, compound fertilizer, nitrate the above products, ammonium nitrate production was greatly reduced. Because the process of enterprise of domestic production of ammonium nitrate majority at the same time supporting a urea, compound fertilizer and nitric acid unit, after the Spring Festival, with successive rise of urea, compound fertilizer, nitrate and other product prices continued, ammonium nitrate in the production enterprise profits has become more and more low. According to estimates: a quarter of domestic enterprises, ammonium nitrate production reached 30% due to the above reasons, the national total output by about 150000 tons.

Fourth, to harmony, the continued operation of the industrial chain. In the coal - ammonia - ammonium nitrate explosive - infrastructure - the whole industry chain, explosive industry wealth is too concentrated, not conducive to the balance and coordination of upstream and downstream. Profit industrial chain should take care of each other, equilibrium assignment, so that there is a demand for a harmonious and healthy development of the industry chain, the chain can avoid local inconsistent, resulting in fracture.

Fifthly, industry organizations voice is high, local enterprises spontaneously organized force. In recent years, along with the chemical field of each product industry organization popular, many enterprises from the market norms have tasted the sweetness of orderly competition, ammonium nitrate enterprises to set up industry organization more and more voices, we expect urgently ammonium nitrate industry can also organised, reduce confusion in the market, the difference of North and south market equilibrium the ammonium nitrate, promote health and faster development.

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